Objectives and organization
L’Institut de l’Elevage (Idele)

 The national R & D organisation supporting cattle, sheep, goat breeding and production sectors.

It develops experimental programs and offers engineering support, advisory and transfer services to French livestock operators and industry. The French Livestock Institute aims at improving farm competitiveness and breeder working conditions, at adapting products and production systems to society expectations and at responding to a quality-bound industry requirements.

 The technical resource for France Génétique Élevage

As the technical resource for France Génétique Élevage (FGE), the Genetics department of the Institute coordinates the design and development of collective tools allowing for an effective genetic improvement : national genetic data systems, animal identification and traceability, beef or dairy performance recording methods, structure for the genetic evaluation and selection of breeding animals.

As the interface between Public Research (INRA) and farmers organisations, the Institute participates, within 2 mixed technology units, in animal genetic evaluation, and in optimising and directing selection programs in response to industry expectations.

The Institute is also responsible for the administration of the Quality Management System of the National Genetic system, thereby elaborating and maintaining each specific referential, contributing to the production of key data, organising surveillance and participating in the continuous improvement process.

 Delegated organization in charge of national data systems

  • implementation of projects to establish or upgrade data systems
  • administration of such systems under operation

 Carrying out studies and refining methods and tools:

  • animal identification (electronic and conventional)
  • performance recording on farm and in test stations
  • defining breeding goals

 Within the mixed technology units INRA/Institut de l’Elevage

  • participating in the genetic evaluation of breeding animals
  • validation of ingoing and outgoing data
  • refining international evaluation methods
  • production of key data and reference statistics
  • expertise and advice on selection programs

 Management of genetic resources.

  • control of intra-breed variability
  • conservation programs in situ and ex situ
  • administration of the National Cryobank (3 700 reproducers of 143 breeds and 11 different animal species in 2010).


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